Digital recruiting: the best tools available to recruiters for a lean and effective selection process and for a unique candidate-experience.

The current job market is strictly influenced by digitization and Social Networks: let's see how Human Resources are implementing innovative and performing digital tools within the organizational realities to manage their most important processes. Recruiting together with its digital evolution is certainly among the operational areas where technology and artificial intelligence can make a difference in supporting the work of recruiters and offering a unique and unrepeatable candidate experience.
Digital recruitment: winning strategies to identify talents
In fact, digital recruiting replaces traditional selection tools by entrusting all stages of selection to digital technology to identify the best talents on the market.
It is a matter of implementing a real e-recruitment strategy that provides digital support for the crucial phases of research and selection, guaranteeing the effectiveness and speeding up the process, under the strict supervision of HR dept.
The main points on which focusing attention are the following:
- targeted planning of Employer Branding activities, which have to ensure consistency with Corporate Image and Digital Reputation strategies: for an effective digital recruitment process, it is essential that the corporate image is solid and accurate, with constant control of contents and publications in alignment with marketing and communication;
- phase-by-phase definition of the digital recruiting process, identifying the best technological support needed in the phase of:
o drafting of job profiles and job descriptions;
o job posting and social recruiting;
o CV screening;
o organization of interviews and assessments of candidates;
o onboarding of the chosen candidate.
Digital recruiting: how to implement an effective strategy
The innovation of business processes meets the HR world on several fronts: it is often Human Resources that lead the change towards the digital transition and that implement the most innovative and impactful technological solutions.
Let's see more in details the online tools for digital recruiting.
- Job profile and job description: we analysed together the progress of artificial intelligence being applied to the hiring process. An artificial text generator has proved to be a very valid support to the recruiter's task, allowing to save time and resources during the long process of drafting the job description. Something unthinkable until a few years ago, which is now a reality in the most advanced business organizations: Glickon Flow is a quick and effective solution to find over 100 examples of the most researched Job Descriptions.
- Job posting and social recruiting: the channels where publishing a job adv, in addition to the writing of the job advertisement itself, are essential to attract the profiles which are most in line with HR expectations. Even social platforms, precious sources of profiles and applications, are one of the crucial factors for the success of a research and selection procedure and speed up the identification of the best talents. Nowadays it is unthinkable for a company that wish to hire and retain talented staff not to use online platforms and social channels to expand its pool of candidates, identifying the profiles that are closest to corporate values and the vacant positions.
In this framework it is necessary to plan a careful social recruiting strategy that takes into account the corporate image and the hidden potential offered by social media, especially by LinkedIn (you can find here our guide about its use in the e-recruiting).
- CV screening is one of the longest and most delicate activities: it is essential not to overlook any important details that may not emerge at a first reading of the candidate's CV. For this reason, the CV screening process, which can demand a high expenditure of time and energy and requires an efficient method, is supported by artificial intelligence tools that allow to quickly identify pre-set keywords, minimizing the risk of bias and involuntary prejudices.
- Organization of interviews and assessment of candidates: after having restricted the number of CVs to a pool of potential talents, it is essential to effectively organize the interviews and objectively evaluate the abilities and actual possessed skills.
Digital technology supports this phase thanks to video-call tools, which allow to organize a remote interview in a very short time, minimizing waste of time and resources for both companies and candidates: the new generations of Millennials and GenZ are particularly sensitive to the issues of sustainability and appreciate the companies that exploit the technological tools (of which they themselves are native) to implement fast and lean processes. In addition to that, thanks to gamification applied to the HR world, companies have the opportunity to structure unique and captivating candidate journeys, with the creation of online challenges, quizzes, multimedia paths to attract the best talents and invite them to live a unique experience.
- Digital onboarding: traditional onboarding is in fact largely overtaken by its digital evolution, which offers, among its major advantages, faster timing, greater security in data management and privacy, as well as allowing a fluid and smooth integration of newly hired within the company.
Digital recruiting: Employer Branding in the age of digital
By analysing together what are the main tools provided to HR for an effective digital recruiting process and what is the enormous potential of this technological transition, it is clearly understood that the common denominator of these elements, underlying the whole strategy, it is to implement a broader Employer Branding strategy, which differentiates the company from the competition, makes it recognizable on the job market, in line with its founding values that make up its vision and mission and which acts as a magnetic pole to attract the best talents.
Glickon Seek, with its innovative and effective solutions, offers to recruiters simple and effective tools and gives candidates a memorable experience.