Leverage data to attract the best talents

Identify key factors for hiring and retaining the right people by listening to their voice through Talent Intelligence

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The new challenge in the automotive industry:
Innovating by starting with listening to people.

In the automotive sector, HR professionals face various challenges that can impact operations and overall productivity of companies. Here are some of the key challenges in this industry:
  • Talent shortage: The industry is experiencing a shortage of talent in various areas such as engineering, computer science, and production. This is due to factors such as an aging workforce, increased demand for electric vehicles, and globalization of the industry. However, to attract talent, organizations need to engage and involve them with selection and work experiences that align with their needs.
  • Flexible work environment: People have evolving needs and want to be heard. Organizations, including those in the automotive sector, can no longer ignore the need to create an inclusive work environment and implement policies that promote diversity.
  • Change management: The automotive sector is undergoing significant changes, such as vehicle electrification, automation, and digitization of production processes. These changes can involve organizational restructuring, redefinition of roles and responsibilities, as well as the need to acquire new skills and adapt to new work models.
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Transforming data into concrete actions

Through technology, Glickon creates Talent Intelligence tools that can simplify processes, monitor and listen to the voice of every talent, objectify management perceptions, and promote a new data-driven culture within organizations.

By leveraging data and analyzing the voice of talents, it is possible to gain a detailed understanding of talent behavior, engagement, performance, and trends within the organization. This information enables the identification of areas for improvement in both Candidate and Employee Experience, optimizing talent management strategies, and aligning HR initiatives with business objectives.

Active data

Specific feedback can be collected, and the real collaboration network can be captured through surveys, engagement surveys, and Organizational Network Analysis.

Passive data

Corporate communication can be tracked both internally and externally by connecting Glickon to communication and collaboration tools (email, calendars, chats, etc.).

Predictive data

By leveraging the collected data, it is possible to evaluate organizational risk scenarios and predict phenomena such as turnover, attraction, or attrition.

The priorities of HR leadership, and not just limited to people management, in organizations.

By regularly conducting surveys to measure engagement and the quality of the candidate journey, leadership has the opportunity to listen to and visualize the so-called "vital signs" of individuals, especially the more hidden ones. With predictive analysis, they can understand and implement interventions to reduce resignation rates, hire or train new talents, and enhance overall business performance.

By leveraging data and analyzing the voice of talents, it is possible to gain a detailed understanding of talent behavior, engagement, performance, and trends within the organization. This information enables the identification of areas for improvement in both Candidate and Employee Experience, optimizing talent management strategies, and aligning HR initiatives with business objectives.
Talent acquisition and retention
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Employee engagement
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Turnover prediction
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What Glickon does for you

Glickon collects information both actively (ONA surveys) and passively (emails, calendars, etc.) to provide leaders with a comprehensive view of colleague and candidate engagement, as well as productivity.

To understand, predict, and implement interventions to reduce turnover rates, develop new talents, and enhance company performance, the model is based on three elements: motivation, relationships, and skills, with four focal points: day-to-day (in everyday work), team (in relationships with colleagues), manager (in relationships with managers), and organization (in relationships with the company).

Active Surveys & Passive Data

Glickon aims to measure work and selection experience by utilizing recurring experience/engagement surveys and supporting the analysis of digital interactions through emails, chats, meetings, etc.


The platform allows for administering talent surveys autonomously and provides real-time results, analysis, and insights. Glickon is an integrated platform compatible with 170+ HR platforms (ATS and HCM).

Analysis and Reporting

Glickon combines survey data with digital traces from organizations to provide insights on attraction levers, engagement, and productivity. Our AI-based analysis can help establish a clear link between employees and revenue.

Concrete Actions

Transform human resources data into tangible improvements through designed paths to guide actions. You will be able to identify key factors to focus on, in order to develop better experiences throughout the entire talent journey.

Key statistics


Cost reduction in hiring
(Deloitte, 'HR Technology Disruption')


Increase in hiring effectiveness
(Talent Board, 'The CX Report')


Increase in talent retention
(Harvard Business Review)
The voice of leadership
Alessandro De Lucia
@ FCA Italy
HR Director
The automotive sector is undergoing a profound transformation driven by digitization, electrification, and connectivity. This is resulting in changes in roles and the skills required to work in the industry, and we must be able to anticipate these changes and develop the necessary skills for talents.

Glickon White Paper: Uncover the Relationship between Employee Experience and Revenue

High turnover risk in high-performing teams, low trust in leadership, and financial performance. Discover the relationship between Employee Experience and company value in our research.

Listen to candidates and colleagues to define strategic actions

Help the organization achieve business goals by leveraging
people's talent through data

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