Next Generation EU and the commitment to create an inclusive economy that favours young people and avoid gender gaps by eliminating discrimination.

The Next Generation EU is a unique opportunity for Europe to revamp the economy and society after the Pandemic, transforming them to be more modern, greener, healthier, safer and fairer.
The plan consists of a shared commitment to invest over 800 billion euros with a common vision to fight against inequalities and promote women's emancipation and gender equality, also promoting equality in terms of economic conditions and job opportunities, as well as for human rights.
Next Generation EU: the vision of work and the role of companies
The Next Generation EU package includes a range of funding for the modernization of our societies, with funds and plans to support research and innovation, equal climate and digital transitions, health programs, the fight against climate change, new cohesion and agricultural policies, protection of biodiversity and promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities.
In this context, the role of companies and work is intertwined with that of institutions and public bodies, in order to be able to achieve the set objectives and create the best conditions for the generations to come.
The new generations, such as Millennials and GenZ, demonstrate a particular sensitivity to the issues of the world of work, sustainable development and equal opportunities: in this sense, companies and operators must orient their strategies to meet the expectations of the workforce in the coming years.
In particular, the Next Generation EU is divided into devices, of which the main one is the Device for recovery and resilience, which sees its foundations based on 6 pillars:
- Green transition;
- Digital transformation;
- Smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
- Social and territorial cohesion;
- Health, economic, social and institutional resilience;
- Policies for future generations.
Let's see in more details the reflections and the impact on the world of work and employment, as well as solutions designed for young people and their needs: the Next Generation EU Plan for our Country, divided into a National Recovery and Resilience Plan and a Complementary Plan, provides important measures with respect to youth policies, also to propose concrete solutions to the NEET phenomenon (Not in Employment, Education or Training), a phenomenon that in Italy has assumed considerable dimensions if we consider that the data emerging from the ISTAT 2021 Report on Sustainable Development Goals, 23% of young people between 15 and 29 years old are out of the world of study and work.
It's necessary to implement an effective and rapid integration between active labor market policies and social policies, also investing in training policies: the strengthening of the "Universal Civil Service" for example, is one of the solutions aimed at young people, who are also involved in measures relating to social infrastructures and social housing, as well as by the services strengthening in inland areas.
Thinking about young people who have access to the job world, there is a growing interest in the topics of wellbeing and the search for a flexible job, in companies that are attentive to the needs of their employees and committed to Corporate Social Responsibility.
The increasingly frequent use of smart-working (also known as agile work) or the intermediate solution of hybrid working plays an important role on this issue. Companies, and institutions with them the, must pay attention to this phenomenon, being prepared with up-to-date legislation and with operating methods designed with the right level of flexibility: the new generations give an important weight to the balance between private and professional life, comparing companies basing on this new metrics.
Next Generation EU and Education: supporting access to the world of work
In terms of education, preparatory to entering the world of work, educational policies must address the gaps that see us at the bottom of Europe for the total number of graduates in STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), for example. According to the Openpolis Observatory, Italy records an average figure of 16, 4 graduates in scientific disciplines per thousand inhabitants (for both sexes) compared to an average European figure of 21 graduates per thousand inhabitants, always counting both sexes . Going deeper into the gender issue, the data becomes even more alarming, with a gap that sees women far from men everywhere in Europe, where on average the male graduates in the STEM field are almost twice compared to females. In Italy, the share of STEM graduates among males rises to 19.4, that of female graduates stands at 13.3, with about 6 points of difference.
Another important issue closely linked to the world of work is that of updating skills and continuous learning on which a series of investments and programs both at public and private level revolve: human capital is more than ever at the core interest of companies and institutions, and together with it all the policies that support the skills improvement and the acquisition of new ones. When speaking of upskilling, we refer to the path that leads the person to acquire new skills related to his/her professional sphere, to better perform the work he/she already does. Instead, we refer to reskilling when we think about the acquisition of skills and abilities that allow the employee to play a different role.
Glickon Glow, with its simple and flexible solutions, allows companies to efficiently implement upskilling and reskilling programs, supporting HR and employees in a unique and motivating growth path.