Objectify interpersonal relationships and visualize their effectiveness

Make talent engagement surveys an essential best practice and optimize your business strategy

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Why CEOs choose us to revolutionize HR processes

A management leader, Peter Drucker, once said, "What gets measured gets managed". Whether it's at the end of the day, quarter, or year, the task of a CEO is to ensure that people and teams work within a measurable, reliable, and high-quality framework.
Making data-supported strategic decisions
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Increasing work efficiency and fostering team synergy
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Reducing operational costs and increasing revenues
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Transforming data into concrete actions

Through technology, Glickon creates Talent Intelligence tools that can simplify processes, monitor and listen to the voice of every talent, objectify management perceptions, and promote a new data-driven culture within organizations.

Direct data

Specific feedback can be collected, and the real collaboration network can be captured through surveys, engagement surveys, and Organizational Network Analysis.

Indirect data

Corporate communication can be tracked both internally and externally by connecting Glickon to communication and collaboration tools (email, calendars, chats, etc.).

Predictive data

By leveraging the collected data, it is possible to evaluate organizational risk scenarios and predict phenomena such as turnover, attraction, or attrition.

The main challenges for a Chief People Officer

Monitoring and evaluating team efficiency
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Developing concrete actions based on people and data
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Turnover prediction and Performance Management
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What Glickon does for you

Glickon collects information both directly (ONA surveys) and indirectly (emails, calendars, etc.) to provide leaders with a comprehensive view of colleague and candidate engagement, as well as productivity.


Glickon's ready-to-use ONA surveys allow measuring the key drivers of engagement and relationship for specific clusters within the organization.


The platform allows for administering talent surveys autonomously and provides real-time results, analysis, and insights. Glickon is an integrated platform compatible with 170+ HR platforms (ATS and HCM).

Analysis and Reporting

Glickon combines survey data with digital traces from organizations to provide insights on attraction levers, engagement, and productivity. Our AI-based analysis can help establish a clear link between employees and revenue.


Transform human resources data into tangible improvements through designed paths to guide actions. You will be able to identify key factors to focus on, in order to develop better experiences throughout the entire talent journey.

Key statistics


Increasing colleagues' productivity
(IBM, "HR's Role in Employee Productivity")


Hiring costs
(Deloitte, "Talent Acquisition in Overdrive")


Talent turnover
(Deloitte, "Talent Acquisition in Overdrive")
The voice of leadership
Giorgio De Donno
@ Banca Sella
Vice CEO
When it comes to recruitment, we cannot consider age as a determining factor. We need to reconsider this approach in favor of one that focuses more on multigenerational dynamics. To do this, we must analyze relationships and engagement among people in order to predict which actions to implement.

Glickon White Paper: Uncover the Relationship between Employee Experience and Revenue

High turnover risk in high-performing teams, low trust in leadership, and financial performance. Discover the relationship between Employee Experience and company value in our research.

Listen to candidates and colleagues to define strategic actions

Help the organization achieve business goals by leveraging
people's talent through data

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