Assumi facilmente candidati e falli crescere all’interno della tua azienda.
Richiedi una demoAssumi facilmente candidati e falli crescere all’interno della tua azienda.
Richiedi una demoAssumi facilmente candidati e falli crescere all’interno della tua azienda.
Richiedi una demoAssumi facilmente candidati e falli crescere all’interno della tua azienda.
Richiedi una democandidate attraction
Job Descriptions
Manage and customize the first step in the recruiting process
to hire the top talents

Build quality relationships starting with Job Descriptions
Those who have a positive experience while applying for a job are 38% more likey to accept a job offer. Job Descriptions are the first occasion for your organization to make a favorable impression on potential hires.
Putting together a Job Description is a long and slow process which may involve going back and forth with different managers and leads.
With Glickon’s Job Description Generator, you’ll have a personal assistant that just needs a few prompts to churn out top-notch Job Descriptions in less than a minute!

Our solution

Select the language in which you want your Job Description

Enter the Job Position you are looking to hire

Describe keywords, requirements, and characteristics

Pick your tone of voice

Click Generate

Copy-paste the Job Desription in a Glickon Challenge or on other platforms
Luigi Scarpa @GroupM
Senior Tech Talent Acquisition
Filling 40 to 50 positions a month is tough work. Flow was truly a blessing! Glickon’s document generation tool helped us free up time, which we can now use to select talent wisely.